Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a complete and comprehensive system of health care with roots that can be traced back over 2000 years. The modern day practice of TCM includes acupuncture and herbology along with various forms of therapeutic exercise and techniques, dietary recommendations, acupressure and meditation.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is used to treat a wide variety of acute and chronic health concerns. In addition, TCM is used to maintain existing good health and to prevent the development of disease conditions.
Treatment with acupuncture is based on the recognition of a system of energetic pathways in the body called meridians. These meridians or channels connect the body's surface to the internal organs and contain energy called "qi" (pronounced 'chi'). Qi can be defined as the functional energy of all our body processes, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
By inserting special needles at specific points on these meridians acupuncture can correct energetic imbalances or blockages in order to encourage the body's own healing abilities.
Chinese herbs have similar, specific therapeutic effects on the body. The herbal pharmacopoeias used in the clinic are mostly plant material and are of the highest quality. Herbs can be prescribed in tea, capsule or pill form.
TCM views the person as unique and whole and thus diagnosis depends upon questions concerning present and past health as well as pulse palpation and tongue inspection. The presenting symptoms as well as the root cause of the imbalance are treated. Using a specific treatment, or combination of treatments, the goal of TCM is to address the individual's unique presentation on all levels and to restore the person to a state of natural, balanced wellness.